Internals of JSF
Once jsf project set up properly i.e entries in the web.xml,jsf related jars in lib folder of your web app( setting up jsf project ) we have to create a faces-config.xml to make our set up into a full fledged jsf application. Creating Faces-config.xml :: In the name itself telling us that it contains all the configurations needed for all jsf pages.In fact we don't need to create the file with the same name.We can create it with any name and we have to mention same as a context parameter in the WEB.xml ( setting up jsf project ).Now its the time to jump into the detailed view. Fallowing are the two main components that we use frequently. 1)Managed Beans It represents a Java bean that will be instantiated dynamically at the run time by JSF container.We can achive inversion of control in JSF. Ex: Class User{ private String name; private String Address; //setters and getters for both properties } Declaration in faces-config.xml ...