Importing a Oracle Dataset with impdp
1)Login to Oracle with admin user(ex: system).
2)Execute the below script.
create directory expdp_dir as '<directory where the dataset resides>';
3)exit the Oracle and run the below command.
impdp DIRECTORY=expdp_dir DUMPFILE=<dump file name> FULL=y LOGFILE=impfull.log
Note: If you have multiple dump files to import, you can use comma(,) separated file names in DUMPFILE argument.
2)Execute the below script.
create directory expdp_dir as '<directory where the dataset resides>';
3)exit the Oracle and run the below command.
impdp DIRECTORY=expdp_dir DUMPFILE=<dump file name> FULL=y LOGFILE=impfull.log
Note: If you have multiple dump files to import, you can use comma(,) separated file names in DUMPFILE argument.
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